Thursday, January 12, 2012

For Hannah: Info on "The Grid" and "Postmodern Portraiture"

Click HERE for a brief lesson on how to transfer images from a gridded photograph onto a gridded canvas/paper.  You, yourself, may make more inventive choices when transferring the information than the way it's done in this demo, but it will give you a very simple method.

The Grid System is a website were people get REALLY crazy in-depth about ways of using the grid in art and math.

Click HERE for a gallery of images by an artist I know named Lance Turner.  He works VERY extensively with the grid.  His website is a little buggy, but if you're patient with it, you'll be able to check out quite a few of his grid-based paintings.

Click HERE for the website of artist Gottfried Helnwein.  He is a postmodern portraitist whose work is very photo-realistic while also VERY sarcastic and sometimes dark.

Click HERE for a thesis on the history of portraiture (it's not too long).  The last few paragraphs are specifically about Postmodern portraiture.

While doing some contemporary portraiture research, I just found this painter that I had never heard of, ANDREA KOWCH.  Check out her painting, especially the "new" and "recent" works.  She's totally appropriating Andrew Wyeth.

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