Friday, February 10, 2012

A Short Artist's Statement Of My Own

Below is a short artist's statement for a series of paintings I did back in 2009. Here you'll see an example of a statement that is talking purely about the concept--the ideas I wanted to express with the work--rather than the specifics of the work itself:

You can click HERE for a gallery of images of the paintings.  Also, the library asked me to loan them some work to put on display and I just happened to have a few of these lying around.  So you can see the series in the library, as well.

For many years I refused to own a print T-shirt. This was during college, and I had an “anti-cool” thing going at the time; expending entirely too much effort trying to ensure that nothing on or around me made it appear as though I was following some new trend of the masses. It was my futile attempt not to associate myself with anything but “me.” Some time between that point and this one, things changed—I changed—and an overwhelming percentage of the shirts in my closet now have some sort of screen-printed logo on them. What is it about these images—logos produced by some corporate machine outside of myself—that draws me toward them so much that I am willing to “brand” myself, to don these images and project them back onto the world as a reflection of who and what I believe myself to be? My series of acrylic paintings, Branded, explores this fascination.

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